UCC issues new guidelines on sale of SIM cards

Before selling a SIM card to a company, a telecommunication operator shall obtain a variety of documents

UCC issues new guidelines on sale of SIM cards

The Uganda Communication Commission has issued new guidelines on the sale of subscriber identity module (SIM) cards to the public.

“In accordance with its statutory mandate under sections 5(1)(b) & (j), 39, 48 and schedule 6(I)(K) of the Uganda Communications Act 2013 and Section 9 of the Regulation of Interception of Communications Act 2010, lifted the suspension on the sale of SIM Cards to unnatural persons including corporate bodies, subject to strict compliance with the following conditions,” UCC said in an October 17, 2020 statement.

The procedure for sale and registration of SIM card to unnatural persons shall only be limited to the following entities or bodies:

Companies duly incorporated or registered under the Companies Act 2012.

Non-governmental organisations duly authorised and permitted to operate in Uganda in accordance with the Non-Governmental Organisations Act 2016.

Trusts duly incorporated or registered under the Trustees Incorporation Act Cap 165

Ministries, Departments, and Agencies of Government, duly constituted in accordance with the laws of Uganda.

Embassies, Foreign Missions and Consulates, duly recognised in Uganda by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Before a telecommunication operator registers a SIM card for any eligible body or entity as specified in (1) above, the operator must comply with the following specific requirements.

Before selling a SIM card to a company incorporated under the Companies Act 2012, a telecommunication operator shall obtain the following details from the company:

A certified copy of the companies’ certificate of incorporation, certified copy of the particulars of the directors of the company, certified copy of the form showing the registered location/place of business of the company.

A copy of the companies’ Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) certificate issued by the Uganda Revenue Authority.

A copy of the National Identity Card of the managing directors or chief executive officer of the company, if Ugandan citizen, or a copy of a valid passport for a foreign managing director or chief executive officer.

The passport must contain a valid visa or immigration status as indicated in the passport. For nationals of the East African Community, a copy of a valid passport shall suffice;

A letter on the company’s letterhead signed by the managing director or chief executive officer authorizing the purchase of the subject SIM card(s) by the company, and the purpose for which the SIM Cards are being purchased.

The Telecommunications operator shall carry out a company search at the Uganda Registration Service Bureau (URSB) to certify the authenticity of the company documents provided by the applicant for a corporate SIM Card before the corporate SIM cards are activated.

The cost of conducting a company search shall be borne by the company applying for SIM cards.

The Telecom operators shall only issue the SIM card to the company after receiving confirmation from URSB about the authenticity of the company documents provided.