Museveni to launch new NRM manifesto today

Museveni tweeted last night that he will launch the manifesto whose theme is Securing your Future, shortly after his nomination.

Museveni to launch new NRM manifesto today

President Museveni

President Yoweri Museveni is set to launch the new National Resistance Movement (NRM) manifesto today, rolling out a new five-year-plan he intends to achieve once re-elected.

Museveni tweeted last night that he will launch the manifesto whose theme isĀ Securing your Future, shortly after his nomination.

“After nomination tomorrow, I will launch the NRM manifesto for 2021-2026, anchored on the theme #SecuringYourFuture,” Museveni said.

Earlier, the party secretariat confirmed that the manifesto document had leaked to the public but was awaiting the launch by the President.


In Museveni’s Preamble message of the Manifesto, he says: “After years of turmoil, this is the first time ever that Uganda has enjoyed more than three decades of uninterrupted stable democratic process buttressed by NRM core principles of Democracy, Patriotism, Pan-Africanism and Socio-economic Transformation.”

He adds: “We have met most of the goals and aspirations of our people. We have made giant steps in our endeavour to improve the quality of life for all Ugandans. We have built a firm foundation to steer the economy for social transformation and economic takeoff into self-sustaining growth.”

Museveni also says that under the leadership of the National Resistance Movement (NRM): “Our democracy has deepened and blossomed to full maturity, to the extent that anyone can now dream to lead Uganda. At every definitive stage in our long journey, the visionary leadership of NRM has always championed progressive policies and programmes to steer the country forward.”

He adds, “This is an epic journey to our destiny and while it might be replete with challenges, it is full of hope and promise. Through our successive visionary manifestos, we have rallied Ugandans around our strategic policies that best serve their diverse aspirations and enhance their welfare.”

He adds that the NRM has an unmatched record of performance and a clear vision of Securing Your Future.

“NRM has managed to sail Uganda through the most violent and turbulent storms in our history. Through this time, NRM has been tried, tested and found worthy of continued leadership of this country. Our resolve to the call of duty remains steadfast and this is our solemn promise.”

Previous manifestos

1996 – 2001: Tackling the Tasks Ahead

2001 – 2006: Consolidating the Achievements

2006 – 2011: Prosperity for All

2011 – 2016: Prosperity for All – Better Service Delivery and Job-Creation

2016 – 2021: Taking Uganda to Modernity through Job-creation and Inclusive Development

2021 – 2026: Securing Your Future